8th Grade Career Carnival
What Is The Career Carnival?
This career fair includes hands-on activities and demonstrations by professionals from local businesses and higher education institutions. The carnival aims to reach out to students before they enter high school. We hope this will give them some direction and perhaps spark an interest in a field they may not have considered.
Students rotate through stations set up to show job opportunities in six career zones; Arts and Humanities, Business and Information Systems, Engineering and Technology, Health Services, Natural and Agricultural Sciences, and Human and Public Service. Refreshments will also be provided free of charge for the students who attend.
Get Involved
Sponsor The Career Carnival
Become an Official 2025 Career Carnival Event Sponsor!
All event sponsors can expect public recognition at the event and public recognition through media ads after the event. We will also provide a certificate of sponsorship and participation for all businesses to display.

Vendor Registration & Information
Showcase your business to your future employee pipeline!
We're looking for vendors to provide a hands-on demonstration. Register your business/organization via the link below, and scroll down this page for Vendor FAQs.
School Registration
Are you a school that plans on bringing your students? Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch!
Career Carnival FAQs
Who participates in the Career Carnival?
The Career Carnival is intended for 8th-grade students across Wayne County, typically gathering nearly 1,000 students and over 70 businesses/organizations across all 11 Wayne County school districts. The reason behind the carnival is to reach out to students before they enter high school. Our hope is that through your face-to-face connections with these youth, you may spark an interest and help them dream about the many career opportunities that are before them.
When and where is the carnival taking place?
Details on the 2025 Career Carnival will be announced soon.
Will lunch be provided?
Yes! Lunch, snacks, and refreshments will be provided for all vendors, staff, and participating students. Lunch will be scheduled according to the building you are stationed in.
Vendor Set Up and Day-of Parking:
Please arrive promptly at 8 am to check in and set up for the day. After checking in, you will be able to drive your equipment & materials to your building and then park your vehicle. Building Captains will be available to help you locate your booth and answer questions. Once youth are present, no moving vehicles will be allowed in the Carnival areas.
Can I sponsor the event with an in-kind donation?
Absolutely! You may use the link above and fill out the sponsorship form and select “In-Kind” or “Other.” Alternatively, if you wish to discuss alternate sponsorship options, please contact Event Coordinator Jeremy Hughes via email (JHughes@soduscsd.org) or cell phone (315-314-0051).
How does sponsor recognition work?
All event sponsors can expect public recognition at the event and public recognition through media ads after the event. We will also provide a certificate of sponsorship and/or participation for all businesses to display. Please note: Please notify your intent and sponsorship level upon registration so that you may be recognized accordingly. If we are not notified of your intent prior to the printing of event materials, we will not be able to include your sponsorship information and logo within them.
I’d like to become a sponsor, what’s next?
Upon completion of the registration form above, please mail your check with "Wayne Career Carnival Sponsor" in the memo on the check to the following address: Literacy Volunteers of Wayne County PO Box 408 Lyons, NY 14489 Literacy Volunteers is a member of the Wayne County Partnership and acts as the fiscal agent for the Career Carnival.